Delray Beach Public Library


Mon - Wed: 9AM - 8PM
Thu - Sat: 9AM - 5PM
Sun: 1PM - 5PM (SEPT-MAY)

Get your virtual library card here to access our great digital resources.


Book lovers everywhere are invited to join us for our Local Author Fest 2022 coming up on Sunday, March 13 from 2 to 4:30 pm.

Ready? Let's Go! Our Summer Reading Leadership Academy will encourage and invigorate healthy minds and bodies. Our young learners will especially enjoy the "Tails and Tales" theme incorporating stories, events and activities featuring humans and animals exemplifying important values of leadership and friendship.

Join us in person or on Zoom to chat about an assigned fantasy/adventure story, a show-and-tell craft, and to play a fun pop quiz game every 3rd Monday of the month, @ 3:30-4:15 PM!

The Humans of Delray project by the Delray Beach Public Library will spotlight the resilient, (extra) ordinary people in the Delray Beach Community. Through Zoom interviews, we want to introduce citizens of Delray to their neighbors and celebrate our lush diversity. This is about getting up close and personal