Delray Beach Public Library


Mon - Wed: 9AM - 8PM
Thu - Sat: 9AM - 5PM
Sun: 1PM - 5PM (SEPT-MAY)

Get your virtual library card here to access our great digital resources.

The library will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024 for the Federal Holiday.

Thank You for Your Kind Donation

2020 Year End Donors

The Delray Beach Public Library thanks our generous donors for participation in our annual year end campaign. This allows us to continue library services for the community.

$2,500 and Above

Douglas Fischer

Lattner Family Foundation

Brenda Medore

Robert & Francine Shanfield

$1,000 to 2,499

Bear Sontz Family Foundation

Kenneth and Kathy Falvo

Marie-Catherine Flater

Hasey Foundation

Anne Jackson

Bruce and Diane Parker

Robert Osinoff

Robert Schmier

$500 to $999

Jolene Boris

Gonzalee Ford

Ralph Friedner

GFWC Women’s Club of Delray Beach

Alan Gould

Jean Irwin

Kenneth and Mary MacNamee

Stephen Patterson

Dr. Helen Reed

Fran Sachs

Patricia Schumann

Sandra Seltzer-Tobias

Theodore and Gertrude Winsberg


Priscilla and Len Adler

David Armistead

Richard Capenito

Stephen Cohen

Susan Diaz

JoAnn Englehardt

Robert Feinberg

Hallahan Giving Account

Harriet Hartstein

Kenneth Huntoon

Scott Lauzier

Legal Expert Connections

Marcia Morin

Bill Morse

Linda Prior

Richard and Barbara Richmond Designated Fund

Michael Schiff

Colleen Shuhmann

Patricia Stewart

Brian and Linda Street

Up to $199

Elizabeth Akus

Kathleen Alberts

Karen Aprill

Lorraine Arbetman

John and Priscilla Argyle

Donald and Deanna Atkins

Gale Baker

Frank and Kathryn Barbieri

Barbara Baron

Ellie Beckworth

Barbara Berheim

Edward and Rose Berman

Wayne Bower

Lois Brodsky

William and Natalia Brown

Martin and Jodie Buerk

Candis Buoniconti

Katie Busch

Margaret Cafasso

John and Marie Carollo

Regina Carroll

Penelope Cerino

Susan Chandler

Maureen Clearny

Mary Ellen Cook

Thomas and Doyle Cross

Carol Cullen

Anne Curatolo

Toni Cvetko

Julie Dapkus

Jonathan and Nina De Martini-Day

Elizabeth Decker

Charles Douglas

Susan Duane

Janet Eisenman

Lisa Ellis

Janet Elmore

Sylvia Elstein

Mike and Michele Estrada

Clare Feldman

Elaine Finklestein

Susana Flores

Jill Franks

Sandi Fried

Stephen Geifman

Beffy Gieske

Tom Gilligan

Marilyn Gladstone

Paula Goldbaum

Joan Goldburg

Elizabeth Goldman

Sue-Rita Goldstein

Nina Gottlieb

Manmeet Guilati

William and Joan Haros

Monica Hathaway

Richard Herbert

Ross Hersch

Richard Herschaft

Frederick and Carla Hutton

Annette Jackson

Julie Jamieson

Carol Jehle

Rita Johnson

Elliot and Kathleen Jones

Joan Kattine

Alan Kepchar

John Killeem

Mary Linda Kneafsey

Robert Krasner

Randee and Marc Kreamer

Ezra Kreig

Judy Kreismann

Louise Krieg

Brian Kushner

Nathan and Diane Labovick

Jean Landaker

Marion Lang

Richard Learner

Janet Ledniczky

Nancy Leeds

Jan and Allen Lev

Larry and Carol Lifshitz

Chary Lynn

George and Karen Matthews

Dora Melero

Arthur and Suzanne Menor

Ilene and Paul Milowe

Laura and Joseph Mindell

Kathryn Moore

James and Udella Newman

Sharon O'Halloran

Mona Page

Maria Parsons

Beatriz Perez

Alan Perlman

John Peters

Manifred Petsch

Stephen and Monica Poludniak

Jane Pranti

Sarah Preble

Renee Priest

Linda Purdo

Melvin Rabatsky

Patricia Randall

Dwayne Randolph

Susan Ridgley

Rosa Romigosa

Sylvia Rosenberg

Albert Ross

Merrill Rutman

Mary Patrica Ryan

Debra Samela

Harry Scheyer

Jill Schifferli

Carolyn Schroth

Ronnie Serlin

Edith Seveny

Sheldon Silver

Claire Skelton

J.C. Smith

Wendy Speiser

Daniel and Carla Spurlock

Beth Stein

Richard and Carole Stone

Gayle Stone

Clyde and Rosalyn Stretch

Eugene and Frances Student

Mary Swieskowski

Lynda Thompson

Walter and Leslie Tomenson

Sandy Trento

Bertram Tyres

Arlene Ustin

Robert and Janet Victorin

Morton and Joyce Vogel

Cheryl Wallch

James and Ann Walsh

Lowry Watkins, Jr.

Pam and Gregory Weeks

Kenneth Wegweiser

Anne Lee Weiner

Mary and Dennis Jerome Williams

Stacey Winick

Charles Winkler

Maggie Wysocki

Madeline Yurkins

Charles Zambrano

Helga Zarwyn

Direct Lines to Services

Adult Services

Business Services

Childrens Services



Material Renewal Line

Meeting Room Rentals

Information Services

Study Room Reservations

Teen Services

Volunteer Services