Blossoming Winter – A Day of Writing & Sharing
January is poetry month in Palm Beach. Come celebrate the power of poetry. Join us for a day of workshops and readings.
Instructor: Lúcia Leão: Poetry
Lúcia Leão is a translator and writer originally from Rio de Janeiro. Her work has been featured in the South Florida Poetry Journal, SWIMM Everday, Ekphrastic Review, and Circumference Magazine.
Instructor: Janet Pfeffer: Memoir
Janet Pfeffer is a memoir writer, poet, and teacher. Her work has been featured in Storyteller’s True Love Story.
10-11:15AM: Memoir Class
11:30-12:45PM: Poetry Class
12:45-2PM: Lunch
2PM: Return to the Library
2-4PM: Showcase of local writers and workshop participant readings featuring:
Elizabeth Jacobson | Fabienne Josaphat | Michael Mackin O’Mara | Romeo Oriogun | Janet Pfeffer | Olivia Mettler
Registration Required.